Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Post

First things first, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Samantha but I go by Sam. I am newly married, as as of January 2010. I have been baking with my grandmother since I can remember. I started decorating birthday cakes for the kids I nannied in 2003. In 2009 my cupcake obsession started. I was baking new recipes every week or two. I have recently started dabbling with other baked treats including puff pastries and pies. In the past few months I have become more serious about making my dream come true of opening my own bakery. While I know this is still years away, I have started making cakes for friends and family for their events, along with my regular baking.

I created this blog because I wanted a place where I could share my recipes, photos and stories without people having to read about the rest of my not so exciting and completely ordinary life or trying to navigate through overloaded social networking sites. I will also try to review products; as I have found success and failure among the wide variety available in today's kitchen. I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences and that they may bring some inspiration into your kitchen. Please feel free to use my blog as inspiration for your own baking, I only ask that you do not repost any photos or recipes without permission.

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